WELCOME! We're so glad you've stopped by...
As you move through the pages of our site, we hope you capture a glimpse of who we are and of our life together.
We believe a balanced life of faith means that we care for one another, reach beyond ourselves, explore our faith and worship together.
So we care, reach, explore and worship. We're not perfect people by any means but we invite you into a journey of living more fully into the marvelous grace of God we've found in following Jesus Christ.
Click on this link to be redirected to the devotional:
Regular Schedule
Office Hours
Monday - Friday, 8 am - 4 pm
- Worship Service– 9:30 AM
- Nursery & Sunday School– 9:30 AM
further details.
GROW - Save the Date
Mark your calendars for April 12; GROW is hosting a paint party! Open to all ladies (bring a friend!), cost $25 per person. More info to follow.
Lenten Study
In preparation for the Lenten Season, join us for a new study, The Final Days by Matt Rawle. He currently serves as Lead Pastor of Asbury United Methodist Church in Bossier City, LA.
The 6-week study will begin Monday, March 3rd ending on Monday, April 7th starting at 9:30 a.m. via zoom. Link will be sent later.
Please join us for this new book and an author we haven’t studied before. Contact sdkardine@comcast.net.
“I love to proclaim the Gospel because the story is too beautiful to keep to myself.” - Pastor Rawle
Do you love our sweet treats during fellowship hour?
Sign up sheets available for coffee fellowship slots in the lounge. Make sure to grab your time before they are all gone!
Got too much Glitz?
It is never too early to bring in your Christmas and jewelry donations for our Glitz & Decor Sale in November. Simply put your items on the right side of the stage. Thank you.
Please stop by the side narthex and view the colorful mat of Love on display. It is made out of plastic bags and plastic tablecloths. If you happen to have any bags which you are not using, please donate them to this Project. A container is available for your use. In the future, we will have a presentation on how to cut the bags into strips, knot them together, assemble into a ball and then knit/crochet into a mat. Thank you.
LOL - Loaves of Love Food Pantry
In 2024, Loaves of Love donated over 2,000 bags of food to our neighbors in need. We couldn't have done this without you. Loaves of Love leadership would like to thank everyone who donated food, funds and time to make this food pantry operate smoothly. Thank you and Christmas blessings.
Sunday School has you covered
Sunday School and nursery for infants through sixth grade are available during the worship service. It is held in the Children’s Day Out rooms (follow hallway past restrooms all the way to the end to room 107). Miss Bonnie and Miss Joy will be waiting for you there.
Contact Information
Elam United Methodist Church
Glen Mills, Pennsylvania 19342
Fax 610-459-3588
Office Hours
Monday - Friday, 8 am - 4 pm
- Worship Service– 9:30 AM
- Nursery & Sunday School– 9:30 AM