GROW Women's Ministry

GROW is open to women of all ages and faith communities, not just for Elam members. Guests are very welcome to join us for our monthly meetings, which are held on the second Saturday of the month at 9:00 a.m.  A typical meeting begins with a covered dish breakfast, followed by our program.

Angela has been hard at work scheduling activities and speakers for our next season of GROW in September, with some already in place! GROW will be meeting four times this year on Saturday mornings, from 9:00-11:00am.  Please check the GROW Upcoming Meetings section below for details.

If you have any ideas for speakers or activities for our group, please reach out to Angela. We have had some difficulty in the past finding speakers so we decided to mix it up a little this year and have some quality time amongst ourselves in the group and take some field trips, etc.

God is so good to all of us and rewards us with many blessings for being faithful to his calling. We do at times though encounter difficulties along the way and we need to uplift and encourage each other. If you have a praise or prayer concern, please reach out and I can email our group for prayer.